Today we found a canal and it was amazing! Juniblest had never seen a barge before but after a bit of staring he decided it wouldn't bite him. Apparently he's not allowed on the canal (although the track next to it was made by and for horses) because they will have to get a crane to lift him out if he decides to spook and fall in. Of course I didn't know this until afterwards and him spooking and falling in isn't really an option ;)
Today was a great day!
Please remember to empty your pockets for
RDA and
WHW =)
Some lovely people in a pub who bought me a drink and some crisps. One of them turned out to be the brother of the lady who owns the place we stayed at =) |
Little Leo the Corgi who absolutely loved a cuddle! <3 |
Haha, ikke overraska over at det ikke er lov -i tilfelle- noe sånt skjer.. Herregud, derre sikkerhetsgreia de har der... Trist! Glad du dreit i det.
SvarSlettEn corgi :D hurra! De er best. Dere er så kule! Vi pleide å ri langs kanalen da jeg hadde hest på fôr i høst. Det var visst "egentlig" ikke lov, men alle gjorde det likevel!