Nora was born in Oslo 14th of September 1988 and is proof that a person's love for horses does not have to be taught. From an early age she started covering her walls with pictures of horses and nagging everyone's ears off about how wonderful these animals are - although no one in her family had had anything to do with horses before.
When she met the beautiful arabian Pusjkino she was beyond any hope - so much so not even allergy could hold her back. She has always been slightly ashamed that she didn't start riding until the age of 11, but her worried mother simply wouldn't let her as her nose started running and her eyes became red every time she found a chance to go near a horse.
Fortunately for Nora it turned out there is a horse breed that does not trigger allergy as much as 'normal' horses and so she went off to a farm in Sweden to ride these Russian Basjkir horses a week every year. As this was working out rather well she was allowed to start riding on a regular basis back in Norway too. There's no need to say she was one of those girls who poo picked, lead ponies round and round for children and cleaned tack to get an extra lesson every once in a while..
Aged 13 Nora got her first horse on loan, a huge but gentle mare named Joy on Earth. When the owners bought a farm and moved far away she started riding Pusjkino and her childhood dream came alive. Then one day Pusjkino was ill and Nora was offered a ride on the grey pony Juniblest instead - and they turned out to match perfectly! Not size wise as Juniblest is a midget of a 13.3hh and Nora is tall ish, but their personalities are very similar in various ways. They both like long distance rides, exploring new areas (read: getting lost), having fun, relaxing - oh, and food! Both of them will also always check out every opportunity, which is good because they achieve more and bad because some people consider them rude. Nora will ask instead of assuming people will say no, the same way Juniblest will try to walk off to the grassy bits unless you stop him.
When Nora had been riding Juniblest for a few months his owner had to sell him. Nora was not ready to be separated from her new friend and used every tactic in the book to convince her mum buying a pony was a good idea. Some of her arguments clearly worked ("But mum! Girls who own horses don't do drugs...") and on the 1st of June 2004, aged 16, she got her first and so far only pony =)
Nora is rather alternative when it comes to horses and believes in keeping the horse barefoot and on a round the clock turnout. She also believes problems are solved by addressing them and so poor Juniblest has to do a number of rather strange things in order to 'see the world'. So far this approach has worked out beautifully and Juniblest is what you would call a safe and relaxed pony - no matter what!
Furthermore, Nora believes in classical dressage and chiropractic/ostheopathy, and can get very frustrated by simple solutions. It is important to note, however, that she does not claim to be a brilliant rider and is never ever a 100% happy with any picture taken of her riding.
Apart from that her philosophy is to enjoy life and enjoy your pony!