onsdag 4. juli 2012

Day 1

The day started with quite a few delays so we didn't actually get on the road until 12.30pm - I learned my lesson! We didn't arrive to our destination until 10pm.... =S
Juniblest got a stable and I slept under my tarpaulin between two trailers =)

Remember that we're fundraising for Riding for the Disabled Association (www.justgiving.com/ponytriprda) and World Horse Welfare (www.justgiving.com/ponytrip). Any donations are much appreciated =)

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking:
On my way to the yard I met my hero Norman =)

Good to go! The viking horns are just for fun (not inspired by David Mercy at all....)

Having a break outside a pub in Lyndhurst - after Juniblest had loads of grass

Bridleway! =D

A baby mule (I think). So, so cute!

Nice shadow, eh?

The road goes ever on and on - don't forget to donate a quid or ten to my charities! =)

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