The New Forcast Ride

First of all, the title may need explanation. It's a pun. A far fetched pun, but still. The original plan was to ride from Brockenhurst in New Forest to Newcastle upon Thyne - New Forest to Newcastle, New Forcast... Due to the ferry from Newcastle to Norway not existing anymore and because there are some really nice looking bridleways further west we will be going to the same latitude as Newcastle rather than actually going into the city. Potatoe, tomato =)

And then there's the double meaning (even more far fetched if you like). A fat pony has a rather dark 'future forecast' marked by diabetes, painful legs and joints, laminitis etc. Juniblest was obese because I didn't know any better and all I focused on was keeping him colic free. By changing his lifestyle again I'm giving him a 'new forecast' and his future is looking brighter and brighter now that he's finally reached his ideal weight! We will be doing this ride mostly because we both enjoy long distance rides and new places, but also to try to put some focus on equine health and the joy and importance of physical activity for horse as well as rider.

From Brockenhurst to Overton Hill the route is yet to be confirmed, but from Overton Hill we will ride the west part of the Ridgeway to Streatley where we'll cross the river to Goring-on-Thames and follow the Midshires Way to the Pennine Bridleway. At the moment this ends in Penrith, but apparently there's a "part 2" opening in June so there's a big chance we'll go further north. I'll keep you updated!

The part of the Pennine Bridleway we're definitely doing
The part of the Pennine Bridleway we're hopefully doing

The Ridgeway - this part is open to horse riders =)
Departure will be July 2012 and the ride is expected to last 5-6 weeks.

What I will desperately need is places to accommodate Juniblest (and me) along the way. He can live out or in and I'll organise food for him somehow unless you have hay for sale or grass. Me myself will have a sleeping bag and am happy to sleep outside a stable or even in a tent (although it would be awesome if I can leave the tent at home as I have limited space in my saddlebags) =) So if you know anyone with a stable, a garden, a field, a back yard, a garage - anything - along the route please let me know:

We also have a facebook page that you can 'like' if you want to get in touch.