I haven't been writing at all because I've been home in Norway for the Christmas hols, just to come back to some rather busy weeks with revising, assignments and exams but that does not mean nothing's happened =)
First of all, Juniblest has lost so much weight during his two weeks in Bournemouth! I think he has reached (or is close to reaching) 3 on that 0-5 fat score scale.
January 10th, 2012 - crest is smaller, elbows on front legs and knees on hind legs are not surrounded by fat, hips visible. In general quite good! =) |
June, 2011 - notice fat pads around shoulders, just behind where the saddle lies and above the knees on the hind legs (knees, not hocks ;) ) |
My challenge now is to keep him that way.. But so far I've experienced that keeping weight is a lot easier than losing or gaining it. Saddle fitting is booked as the saddle no longer fits properly and I'll keep up his hard training schedule. At the moment I stable him over night as the grass sometimes freezes so that he can't get it through the grazing muzzle, but it's still too sweet for him not to wear one. When it gets warmer I'm planning to stable him during the day to keep him off the grass when it's at its sweetest.
I have lots of ideas! =)
We've also ridden from Bournemouth, this time with Anna and a proper physical map made out of real paper. Juniblest had four boots and we got all the way back to Brock safely. I'll post a video as soon as I have the time to edit it ;)